Not the truest title but hey, it early, so sue me. or give me a better title.
Around the garden there are amazing things and some just a little inspiring.
Out around the compost bin there are lots of 'volunteers' this one has been out there blooming for a while now. Its eye catching because there is either green or brown out there and a shock of pink is always welcome. She doesn't care that Hattie tried to dispatch 'er. I think she is trying to attract the bee's who live back there...
Another grandstander is the perfect, no disease, lush cherry tomato poppin up by the back door. She's hidin some little gems under those leaves. Dunno if she was dropped as a seed or if a tiny start was tossed. But here is our fall crop! well not so much, can't bear to cut her down, but against all odds I'd say!
About a month ago after all the drama with the bee hives, I discovered the spare & mostly abandoned bee hive shaped like a house ( Dave told me the name of that type of hive, but guess what I forgot it.) had some action! Oh yeah, they are in & outta there all the time and there is a queen bee. imagine that. We aren't even mad that the hive is in the MOST inconvenient spot.
These little fuzzy green pointy hairs on the dirt were expected sometime this week but not as soon as they showed. Do you know what they are? I think they had all the perfect conditions, lots of rain warm temps but not too burnin hot, and of course lots of expectant eaters... Baby carrots comin! We are happy to have you.
cheers! off to cut arugula!!
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