Monday, February 28, 2011

shutter me winders

Don't ask me how, but I took a "3-day weekend" and traveled to St. Mary's MD. Which happens to be home to St Mary's college. Which happens to have a Campus Farm. And I happened to have an inside escort to a certain hidden mecca.
(they also have a blog but go there after you read my blog... heh heh heh ...serious dont click yet )

As I entered the opening, I saw an incredible flat protected area of about 5 acres. (mmmm I said, perfect for a "few rows" of veg........ NOW whether they decide to add more crops to the surrounding fields I do not know, but what I saw was a very inspired and energetic display of virtuous gumption.

I mean look at this. Cobbled together with recycled materials. (Romantic thoughts of foraging old houses and barns enter here) Im sure it wernt so. Imagine making all that stuff FIT TOGETHER, yeah, nuff said.

Rain barrels providing some H2O but St. Mary MD seems to get less rain than we do, so it might be a pipe dream that.

But daggonit that is some impressive architecture.

Reminds me of an imagined prototype of the Solviva project, maybe that held some inspiration for the creators. maybe.

Inside shows a few more innovations. Shutters used as the platform for flats of seeds. drainage? yes, support? yes, irrigation? yes, coolness? yes!

Now I will rely on my local spies to alert me of any new innovations and expansions of this chancellors point campus farm project and anything new happening in the other college display farm that is down the street from the actual college. They grow historically correct veg & herbs.

My sources gave me a private tour and I was able to gather this image for your pleasure.
It APPEARS that in historic St. Mary's City, they ALSO grew ARUGULA! I have it on good authority that no blonds were harmed in the adornment shown below.

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