Sunday, February 6, 2011

freeze dried sardines

This post might be a bit dry, but you never know 'cause there were some juicy bits at the conference. (for those not following along, the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture conference) There were more than 2000 people up there! For any space other than a stadium that is alotta humanity to squeeze into and around. Luckily they were mostly 'of like minds', farmers to environmentalists to karmic achievers. I'd like to consider myself a little of all of those mentioned.
Some people have been at this sustainable gig a long time, watching the gloomy cloud of CAFO & GMO get darker. Fighting the good fight to convince folks that the watershed matters, and that the way to fix the problem is not to pour more chemicals on it but to stop! & let mother earth heal it and then don't eff it up again. Of course it ain dat simple, cuz people want money & lots of it. The more they get the more they want/think they need.

After a grueling morning of podium pounding I was completely depressed. ( I could wow you with percentages and numbers and stuff ; but if you know me, well you know homey don't do numbers!) Suffice it to say the little kids now have seen about 85% of all fossil fuels ever burned. Whereas grandpa saw only a few percent. So in a few generations we have barreled through more than grandpa ever imagined. The more we get the more we take.....darkness.

And we learned that even after the lawyers PROVED their case (with science) against GE alfalfa, it was approved & passed with no regulations. ( Makes me wanna crawl under a rock for sure dark days ahead.

I wonder if you all know that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was employed by Monsanto, the GMO evil giant who bullies its way (with cash paybacks probably). Doesn't that seem like a conflict of interest? Our government continues to put big business ahead of the people. Something is very wrong with that.... dark, dark, dark.

Are you sufficiently depressed? wanna just curl up & die? This conference was supposed to be uplifting, inspiring... jeez I feel like I got sent to the principals office. And this was just noon the first day.

So there is no way out right? David fights Goliath without fairy tale ending. Just take my little square and do the best I can with what I have and hope the roundup doesn't become my drinking water, and I have to get GMO'd so I can survive the roundup water. bleh.

We can't be passive but apparently we also don't have to march on the White House. At the very least we can tell the companies that would buy the genetically engineered crap that we won't buy the product if they use it. If they can't sell the alfalfa they won't grow it. Make sure that they have to label GMO products, we can speak with the wallet which is apparently the only thing they understand. If 'they' engineer it, they can trademark it & control the whole shootin match. They use the fear that we are going to run out of food, (when the reason is because we are not living sustainably )

The easier answer is to stop killing and raping the earth let her heal and start right here, now, make this the beginning of a sustainable world. Why do you have to have more more more? You likely have more than you need. Think about the future generations. Don't even get me started on over population. Really, you won't like me....

Okay so now have I totally turned you off of this sustainable stuff. It's really not that bad, (the sustainable stuff ) its really good! And can be easier than you think. And better than you ever imagined!
Will you come back for more uplifting stories about PASA? There are some, really. please ? I promise only to use daisies and puppy dog slobber. And I won't even whine about the ice storm that made us leave before we wanted to.
Say you will.... I'll be right here. I will write it anyway, you might as well read it.

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